Is the nail polish Halal?

Yes - our product is Halal certified. Our nail polish is made with a semi-permeable membrane, enabling the nail to breathe.

How is it breathable?

Unlike regular nail polishes, our polish is made with a semi-permeable membrane which enables the nail to breathe.

What are the benefits of a breathable nail polish?

Breathable nail polish enables oxygen to pass through the nail bed, as it naturally would (unlike regular nail polishes which clog the nail). This means that the nail won't become brittle or yellow over time.

Not only is the nail polish good for your nails, but it also contributes to a sustainable environment, inclusive social outcomes, and ethical production.

How does it peel off?

The nail polish is best peeled by starting from the bottom corner of the nail bed and peeling toward the finger tip. The nail polish can also be removed with regular nail polish remover, however, we are about all things natural and sustainability - so why not give peeling it off a try!

Because it peels off, does this mean that it chips more easily?

No - the nail polish has the longevity of a regular nail polish, and if anything, last longer due to its ability to breathe and enable natural oils to pass through, which would otherwise sit and clog, contributing to chipping of the nail polish. 

 What is the nail polish made from?

A full list of ingredients is below! The basis is that we utilise a semi-permeable membrane to formulate the product. It contains about 70% water, with natural pigments, free of toxic fumes. Our nail polish contains none of the harmful  chemicals found in traditional nail polish, such as formaldehyde, toluene or DBP.


  • polyurethane-1
  • propylene glycol
  • stearalkonium bentonite
  • hyaluronic acid
  • pigment+-

How is the product contributing to sustainability?

Our nail polish does not contain any of the harmful chemicals found in traditional nail polish, which means we are also not injecting these into our planet! Additionally, our bottles are formulated from glass, 100% recycled plastic, and wooden products, whilst our boxes are craft paper base, and our shipping services are 100% GHG emissions offset. 

How many coats do I need to apply?

For best application, we recommend x2 coats of colour, with a base and top coat. For further instructions, please visit our page "tip and tricks"

Does this nail polish work on acrylic nails?

Whilst our main priority is in providing a breathable nail polish, nudie nails can be applied over the top of acrylic nails. In fact, because they peel to remove, the formula enables the acrylic nail to last even longer given no harsh chemicals are required for removal. 

Is the nail polish vegan?

ABSOLUTELY!!! We are big advocates of vegan products - particularly in the beauty industry!

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